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• Make a tax deductible DONATION - click here for online options or right click to download the postal form
• Come along to just ONE of our concerts
Our generous donors...
thank you so much
Brian & Noela Alexander
Graeme Allen
Patricia Brockman
Gael Butler
Janet Clough
Hugh & Cherry Collins
The Dimmick Trust
Bill & Jill Dalziel
John & Anne Duncan
Judy Grant
Gordon & Christine Halford
Peter & Jenny Horan
Bernard & Helen Jordan
Michael Kennedy
Rosemary Kiss
Tony Klemm & Siew Yong Tai
Bill & Nancy McFarlane
Leora & Gordon McGregor
Richard & Julia Metcalf
Ernest Millard
Bet Moore
Conrad O’Donoghue
David & Cynthia O’Keefe
Alice Polkinghorne
Corinne Robin
Helen Rodd
Timothy E Rowley
Noeline Sandblom
Don & Gillian Spittle
Alf & Helen Swan
Robert & Valerie Tantau
Ivy Taylor
David & Elizabeth Thompson
Judith Trimble
Lionel & Mary Tunnell-Jones
Gillian Turner
David Vaughan
Nick & Linda Walter
Ian & Penny Williams
Bart Wissink & Kaye Salisbury
Peter Zegenhagen